
Licensed Massage and Bodywork Therapist, WISE Community Certified Doula, Postpartum Doula

postpartum doula services newborn care specialist radical birth keeper support new mom care breastfeeding assistance dehydrated placenta encapsulation sibling homebirth home birth doula

Ariana's path to birth work began when she was in college and reconnecting with the roots of her heritage, learning the traditions of indigenous communities in Mexico. What became clear to her was that birth and postpartum traditions were integral to culture and womanhood; two aspects that seemed to be missing in our modern culture. She first completed her first training with the WISE Community Doulas in Charlotte, NC which gave her the foundational knowledge of physiological birth. 

She then began to seek education from indigenous birth workers and midwives for both self and community care. She has studied traditional postpartum care and herbalism under Tema Mercado, CPM and Panquetzani Ticitl, Indigemama.

She considers herself a lifelong student of bodywork and postpartum care as each baby and family teaches her new wisdom to pass along to growing families.

Ariana is our practitioner for prenatal/postpartum massage/bodywork and closing of the bones ceremony.